Charity Project
In 2023 hebben we een samenwerkingsverband opgericht met de KeyShift Association om gezamenlijk sociale projecten wereldwijd te realiseren. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat het niet de schuld is van kinderen als ze in arme gebieden geboren worden en zonder voedsel of dak boven hun hoofd moeten opgroeien.
Ons doel is om een betekenisvol verschil te maken in de levens van deze kinderen door hen te voorzien van basisvoorzieningen zoals schoon water, warme maaltijden, kleding en onderwijs. Met deze maatregelen hopen wij de levens van kinderen duurzaam te verbeteren en hen een betere toekomst te geven.
Project in Haiti
After the terrible earthquake in Haiti in 2010, not only the capital Port-au-Prince, but also many coastal areas were completely destroyed and around 300,000 people fell victim to this tragedy. About three million people were affected and many were left homeless. This has been followed by a series of catastrophic epidemics, landslides, floods, droughts and hurricanes that have occurred at roughly equal intervals in recent years.

Political instability, lack of jobs, absolute poverty, hunger and chaos have resulted in extremely low life expectancy (40 years) and an enormous child mortality rate. The literacy rate is only 20-25%. A huge number of street children have flooded the country.
In Haiti, in the Ouanaminthe community in the Northeast Department, there is a public school that not only offers street children an elementary and spiritual education, but also helps them materially. Swisscows supports this school in particular.
For the majority of students, school is the only place where they get a hot meal. Through searches on Swisscows, the school receives financial support for the purchase of food, school supplies and the salaries of the five teachers.
The school currently teaches and cares for 150 children. In order to take in more children in need and to protect them from gangs and child prostitution, Swisscows wants to finance the construction of a new school. This can give the young generation hope and a future.
Project in Colombia
Maicao, a town in the northern Colombian department of Guajira, has a much lower number of street children. But the level of poverty of the indigenous population (Wayas) there makes it impossible for parents to feed their children more than once or twice a week. Families abandoned by the state live in cardboard houses and do not know what clean drinking water is.

The school, which was built in one of the rancherias, has become a solution for the livelihood of many local families. The children enjoy going to school and have shown impressive intelligence.
To get clean drinking water, all we have to do is go to the kitchen and turn on the tap. In Maicao, Colombia, this basic service is a luxury. Because of the polluted water, many children get infectious diseases. Swisscows wants to help with the search for a water source and thus take the first step towards providing basic supplies for children.
Hier leest u hoe u kunt helpen
Wij willen kinderen in nood helpen. Heeft u ook een hart voor kinderen, dan vragen wij u ons te steunen door een donatie te doen. 100% van uw donatie wordt doorgegeven aan Vereniging KeyShift. Vereniging KeyShift gebruikt het geld om kinderen te voorzien van schoon drinkwater, warme maaltijden en basisonderwijs.
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